The same as tweeting, but live

I stumbled upon this utterly hilarious Storify article under the hashtag #traintales which encompasses all the live-tweets made by a comedian who overheard a conversation on a train. If you have some time to kill I’d definitely give it a read here. Although neither participants were journalists it shows a great form of journalism. There’s…

What Crisis?

There’s only room for one crisis at a time in the news and journalism world and with a vast amount of crisis to choose from in the current world climate, it is inevitable that what is top news one day, drops from the headlines the next. Of course, news that shocks the world such as…

Technology, Technology, Technology

Whilst the printing press is pretty much in its dying days and the world turns to digital, all we have to blame is technology. But why does anything need to be to blame? That insinuates that it’s a bad thing and personally I don’t think it is. It is simply a sign of the times….

The Future Is Here

“Content curation is a the art of finding, verifying, collecting, organising, adding value and presenting existing content, resources, media or information on a specific topic, theme or issue for a specific audience or need,” – Robin Good If the future of journalism is our hot topic, it cannot go un-discussed that the main element of…


Microblogging is pretty common place these days, with the most popular being of course, Twitter. In 142 characters you can write a miniature blog, a news update or even an opinion piece. There are other popular microblogging sites including Tumblr and Pinterest however, for a journalist there is nothing more useful than Twitter. Even the…